Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mateko Christmas Party

Every year my mom (Heather) throws a Christmas party at her house.

Here are Big Sis Makenna and Little Bro Owen hanging out on the couch

Good ole' Uncle Ben taking care of the kids and Brody

Kristin and Avery

Avery and Owen: Love at First Sight

(at least Averys' sight that is; Owen's too tired to notice)

Our First Family Portrait

As you can see, Avery only has eyes for her daddy right now

Avery and Audrey

Avery and Great-Grandpa Larry

Avery and Merlene

Avery and Great-Grandma Betty

Avery and Great-Grandma Lois and Great-Grandpa Larry

We apologize for falling behind on updating our blog, but we hope that you all had a very joyous Christmas and pray that you might continue to have a blessed New Year. God has faithfully poured down his grace upon us in 2008...we can't wait to see what He has in store for our family in 2009!!!