Sunday, January 25, 2009

Granners and Grandad Shaw Come to Visit

We were so excited to have Granners and Grandad (Queta and Ron) come all the way from North Carolina to visit just 5 days after Avery was born!!! We even got to celebrate Queta's 70th birthday with her while they were out. They stayed with us for a week and graciously entertained Avery in the mornings while Mommy and Daddy got a few more winks of sleep. Thank you both so much.

Here is Granner Queta with Avery.

Time to play...

and now time to nap.

What a precious, little angel.

We're pooped.

Nice and cozy on Grandad's chest.

Looking our Sunday best for church (notice the adorable blue, nursery rhyme blanket Avery's wrapped was made especially by Granners). I love how Avery's looking up at Queta in this picture!!!

Here we are saying goodbye on their last day in CA before their flight home.
We were so sad to see them go. It's not easy being so far away from family, but it makes the time we do have together even more special. We all love you very much and hope it won't be long before we get to see you again.